Food for Thought: Sustainability from Counter to Compost - the Select Committee on energy independence and global warming - 26/02/2008 - The usual response scarfing a slice of pizza is: How will this affect my diet? The Select Committee on energy independence and global warming, more and more Americans now look at all the food we eat and ask: How does the global emissions of carbon dioxide in our diet? Chairman Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and the Select Committee was looking into the process andChoice of our nation is in relation to food and agriculture, and how these decisions to increase the impact on our environment, especially the "carbon footprint" as we grow, transport, packaging, dispose of and otherwise provide food for Americans and people around the world. And while the change in the way the world creates and uses energy is the most effective way to combat global warming, the so-called "lifestyle" choices such as eating more and more like a role play immediately cutspollution, global warming. Witness: Dan Beard, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), House of Representatives; Carina Wong, Executive Director, Chez Panisse Foundation, Patricia D. Millner, Ph.D., research microbiologist at the Laboratory of sustainable agricultural systems and environmental microbial Laboratory, USDA, Tom Kelly, Ph.D., Chief Sustainability Officer, University of New Hampshire Office of Sustainability. Video of U.S. House of Representatives made available. Save Safelink Home Phone !8!# Brand New Shelf Systems Stereo Coastal Scents Coupons Get It Now!
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